SCAM ALERT!! If you receive a phone call telling you that the caller is affiliated with this court and that you must appear for a hearing at the court or face the issuance of an arrest warrant unless you pay some money to the court, please hang up. This is a scam. Neither the Court nor the Clerk’s office would ever call anyone demanding money in that way, and we do not call anyone about arrest warrants.
Welcome to the General Division of the Common Pleas Court
The general division has original jurisdiction over all adult felony cases in Delaware County as well as any civil cases in which the amount in dispute exceeds $15,000. The general division can also issue injunctions and other forms of equitable relief, and it has appellate jurisdiction over decisions of some state and local administrative agencies and boards. Judges David M. Gormley and James P. Schuck serve as judges in the general division.
General Division Judges
General Division
117 North Union Street, Level 500
Delaware, Oh 43015
Judge Hemmeter’s Office: (740) 833-2530
Judge Schuck’s Office: (740) 833-2550